blog description

pieces of the beautiful little world my family &&i live in :)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

All Aboard !!! :D

All aboard the Polar Express !!!

A few days before Christmas Daddy surprised our
little man with some tickets to go ride the Polar Express train,
just like in his favorite movie! :D
It was a long drive &we weren't sure we'd make it but
we managed to get to the train station just in time
to pick up our tickets, find our cart &seats &get settled in. :)
It was all definitely worth seeing the look on David's face when the train blew
it's whistle and puffed smoke even from the parking lot!
He kept yelling ALL ABOARD!, CHOOCHOO!, TRAIN!
&making steam noises.. XD
He definitely knows his trains lol.
Hubby &I had never been on a real train either so we were just as excited!
You're encouraged to wear your pjs just like in the movie which little
man did, I wish we had! Sure will next year..
We'll definitely be going again :D
I got as many pics as I could!
 Holding his Polar Express ticket
(the whole time we were on the train he refused to let go of it!)

 I'd say he was pretty happy about the free chocolate chip
oatmeal cookies :D

Post was super long

Friday, December 13, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree!!!

We got the tree a few days ago but as usual we take forever
getting around to doing things! :P
This is the little winner we got at Lowes!
Now on to decorating the dang thing!
These are from last night :)

 David playing with his stuffed Elf :P

 Hubby being silly posing with the lights XD
Love this man <3

^^^ This seemed to be David's favorite part of the whole
"decorating the tree" business..
Last year it was trying to chew on the lights and hitting them
with his chubby hands <3
This year it was stomping on them
and walking around getting a lightbulb massage on his little feet! :)
This crazy boy..
These are the stockings Nonnie got us last year,
I want to say AFTER Christmas?
Before I took this pic they still had price tags :P
So I think we got em ahead for THIS year :D

Really trying to figure out what this Elf DOES lol
All the decoration chaos!
David LOVEDD this little tree :)
It was actually one of the first decorations we got in our
very 1st apartment back forever ago!

 I CANNOT get over how freaking cute he looks here :D
What's funny is this doesn't look much like him at all!
Idk maybe just his hair all combed to the side
&that Bambi look! <3

Absolutely love our little family &the
wonderful man that brought us together <3 <3 <3
It was ridiculously hard to get a family pic
with this little one sitting still! Lol
The only way I could see was to flip my little screen around on my camera
but that sets an automatic 3 second timer!=Not good for a 2 year old -_-

Bubba also loved the mini angel we had from our old
mini tree from the last apartment. :) He kept carrying her around <3
 Gosh our little man is getting so big!
It's crazy to think this time next year we'll have
an almost 3 &1 year old! :(
Daddy helping Bubba put ornaments up high :)))
(Not sure why but these last 3 pics Blogger is making all funky looking sorry!)
Trying to decorate his own little tree :))
And last but not least taking a little pumpkin bread break &settling
down to watch some Charlie Brown Christmas as a family :)
Our unique finished tree!
David insisted on moving ornaments or taking some off completely!
So we'll have more to put on later ;)
I can't begin to say how blessed I am to have
such a sweet little boy(soon two boys!)
and such a loving caring husband to take care of us.
I can already tell this Christmas is going to be great
just because I have them in my life!
Already got all I could want and need <3

Thanksgiving 2013

My gosh.. As usual I'm super late getting these posts done. -_-
I actually didn't end up taking many pics that day anyway
cause 1. We were busy stuffing our faces
&visiting with family
2. I was pretty lazy about it to be honest :P
Anywho here's my massive like 4 pics of Thanksgiving! :D

God I love that smile :)) <3

 Throwing a fake-crying fit because big mean Mommy
wouldn't let him hold the camera! XD
 Love those eyes :))
Even when he's throwing a fit!
Wow what a sad collection of pics.. Lol
I MUST do better next year :P

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mr. David @Mr. Gold's Violin Shop

You have no idea how long it took me to get him to sit in that chair for a SPLIT SECOND.. -_-
Just a FEW pics I couldn't resist the cellos in the back for a pic!
Plus I'm a little in love with the B&W setting on my camera, the contrast always turns out awesome. :)

^His obvious feelings about me taking his picture..
 Being silly :P
 And OF COURSE being studly ;)

Monday, November 4, 2013


Well nasty weather or not we still ended up getting to TRICK OR TREAT!
Thank goodness! This Mama was NOT a happy camper
when I didn't think we'd get to go take our Elmo out
to show him off, lol. It was only his 2nd Halloween
I didn't wanna miss it!
Plus we didn't manage to get to a pumpkin patch to pick out
pumpkins and take pics or carve a pumpkin so this was our last Halloween hoorah!
I only got a few pics taken too busy watching little man have fun. :)
Didn't catch any pics of Aunt Riley she had Heelies on
&wastes no time getting that candy! XP
And too busy huffing and puffing this preggo belly up and down the street. -_-
Can't imagine if I had actually dressed up it may have been worse lol.
On the plus side the weather was cool FOR ONCE,
Bubba wasn't tooo scared to go get his candy
&he didn't freak out wanting his costume off!.:)

Overall night=SUCCESS
(Some pics came out better than others=my iphone vs my actual camera :P)
David all dressed up ready to rock &roll! Haha :D
My two best boys <3 <3
My handsome Elmo!

 David &&his Nonnie  :)
 Aubry Layne all dolled up! :)
Miss Kacie &Jancoth
&Kevin the Bumblebee!
Trick-or-treating with his Aunt Kacie :D
Chilling in his wagon Nonnie brought for this very reason! Haha :P

We also got to stop by Grandma &Grandpa's to see them,
Mimi &Aunt Marissa after trick-or-treating!
We didn't get to stay long cause it was already getting to be bedtime
&we were all exhausted from all that walking.. :(
But here's Bubba and his Aunt Marissa
Mimi caught a pic of them!

Then got to stop by Popo &Grandma's house
so they could see his little costume before heading home,
course by then David was ready to be out of it
and relaxing! Lol :P

Hehem, on a side note it was also MY BIRTHDAY!
Not that I was too worried about that part. :P
Was just glad we got to see family and
little man got to have his fun dressing up and trick-or-treating! :)

Hubby didn't skip it though
got me some Wingstop and this freaking delicious
fudge brownie cheesecake beforehand..
 and took me to Barnes &Noble the next day after our date night at Olive Garden!
to get some yummy hot chocolate &books <3
Love that man <3

These 3 were the day AFTER Halloween
David decided he wanted to keep wearing his costume
around the house..
My cutiepie :))

This one he told Elmo ni-night, kissed his hand
and put it on Elmo's head.. XD
This little boy cracks me up.. :)

Well that's all I've got this year but I'm sure next year will be a WHOLE
different story with twoo boys and a not-so-preggo
Mama that can actually keep up and dress up!