it's been a quick minute since i last wrote!
just a few things happening since then (:
the weekend trip out of town was a success!
david had a ball playing w/his greatgrandparents
&they loved having him there to visit <3
on the downside bubba's ears have been bothering him
for a few weeks now so we finally got to the pedi..
so now he's on amoxicillin wh/i'm not 100%
sure is even working :/
hubby also got sick this last weekend so luckily
he's doing much better (: he's on amoxicillin too!
apparently docs love prescribing that stuff..
got a big event this weekend me &hubby are
gonna do some photography for so that should be plenty fun (:
also both overdue for some haircuts :P
todayyy we're going to go buy a new carseat
&i'm super excited! :D sad when i'm more excited to buy
baby stuff than grown up stuff lol..
also on the david front he issss
all over the house crawling, grabs stuff and pulls to standing
on anything he gets a chance, he's apparently scared of flowers.. :P
everytime i try to get him to touch them he grimaces
&pushes away like they're poison.. lol. typical boy.
i got to see an old friend from forever ago &david lovedddd
her.. he was a little flirt! he is also talking up a stormmm
its mostly bababaa and yayayaya but when he's
upset it sounds like he's trying for momma :D
and even dadada so it's still pretty up in the air
what his first word will be lol..
i mean mine was bath so :/ ya never know.. lol
other than that here's some pics since the last time i posted!